Amazing 2 9 9 Multiplication

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  1. 9 Multiplication Chart
  2. Amazing 2 9 9 Multiplication Table Chart

Multiplication (Basic) Multiplication (Multi-Digit) Ordered Pairs. Word Problems (Daily) Word Problems (Multi-Step) More Math Worksheets. Thank you for this amazing product!' –Funky in Fourth 'This is the best multiplication resource I have seen in a long time. My 3rd graders are really learning and gaining in multiplication. The best strength of this program is it convinces the students that multiplication is easy.' -Rees N. 'This is amazing! Welcome to The Multiplying (1 to 9) by 9 (A) Math Worksheet from the Multiplication Facts Worksheets Page at This math worksheet was created on 2014-10-24 and has been viewed 167 times this week and 502 times this month. It may be printed, downloaded or saved and used in your classroom, home school, or other educational environment to help someone learn math. These worksheets are slightly longer versions of the one minute multiplication drills in the previous section. Each of these 80 or 100 problem worksheets are designed to be completed in roughly two minutes, and they can provide a challenge at home that makes the one minute multiplication worksheets at school feel like a breeze. Trying to memorize the multiplication facts? This page contains printable multiplication charts that are perfect as a reference. Variations with facts from 1-9 (products 1-81), 1-10 (products 1-100), 1-12 (products 1-144) and 1-15 (products 1-255). Multiplication Chart.

9 Multiplication Chart


Amazing 2 9 9 Multiplication Table Chart

Below are links to a full set of arithmetic math flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.. with a twist! Your kids will be coloring them!

You'll find two math flash cards per page.. Print them out (black and white), cut along the SOLID line and fold along the dashed line. If you want to get fancy, you can use a glue stick to mount them onto some tag board or a recipe card. Iconfactory.

Here's the key:
Have your kids color the math flash cards in (before you fold them or mount them).. And while they are coloring each one, have them read, think and say what's on the card. Tell them to really concentrate on it! So, while they are coloring in the 5x2=10 card, have them think (or say out loud), '5 times 2 is 10.' This will be a big project for them (as is learning their math facts), so have them do a little at a time.

This will give them visual reinforcement, make them take the time to think about each one (while they are coloring) and it will give them a feeling of ownership to the cards -- and to the math.

Note that there are no navigation buttons on the math flash card pages (so they'll print out nicely for you). So, you'll need to use your browsers 'back' button to get back to this page to print out the next card.

Math Flash Cards for Addition
Be sure to check out our complete set of addition lessons and online practice!

Addition with Zeros:
0+0 & 0+10+2 & 0+30+4 & 0+50+6 & 0+70+8 & 0+90+10
Addition with Ones:
1+0 & 1+11+2 & 1+31+4 & 1+51+6 & 1+71+8 & 1+91+10
Addition with Twos:
2+0 & 2+12+2 & 2+32+4 & 2+52+6 & 2+72+8 & 2+92+10
Addition with Threes:
3+0 & 3+13+2 & 3+33+4 & 3+53+6 & 3+73+8 & 3+93+10
Addition with Fours:
4+0 & 4+14+2 & 4+34+4 & 4+54+6 & 4+74+8 & 4+94+10
Addition with Fives:
5+0 & 5+15+2 & 5+35+4 & 5+55+6 & 5+75+8 & 5+95+10
Addition with Sixes:
6+0 & 6+16+2 & 6+36+4 & 6+56+6 & 6+76+8 & 6+96+10
Addition with Sevens:
7+0 & 7+17+2 & 7+37+4 & 7+57+6 & 7+77+8 & 7+97+10
Addition with Eights:
8+0 & 8+18+2 & 8+38+4 & 8+58+6 & 8+78+8 & 8+98+10
Addition with Nines:
9+0 & 9+19+2 & 9+39+4 & 9+59+6 & 9+79+8 & 9+99+10
Addition with Tens:
10+0 & 10+110+2 & 10+310+4 & 10+510+6 & 10+710+8 & 10+910+10

Math Flash Cards for Subtraction

Subtraction with Ones:
1-0 & 1-1
Subtraction with Twos:
2-0 & 2-12-2
Subtraction with Threes:
3-0 & 3-13-2 & 3-3
Subtraction with Fours:
4-0 & 4-14-2 & 4-34-4
Subtraction with Fives:
5-0 & 5-15-2 & 5-35-4 & 5-5
Subtraction with Sixes:
6-0 & 6-16-2 & 6-36-4 & 6-56-6
Subtraction with Sevens:
7-0 & 7-17-2 & 7-37-4 & 7-57-6 & 7-7
Subtraction with Eights:
8-0 & 8-18-2 & 8-38-4 & 8-58-6 & 8-78-8
Subtraction with Nines:
9-0 & 9-19-2 & 9-39-4 & 9-59-6 & 9-79-8 & 9-9
Subtraction with Tens:
10-0 & 10-110-2 & 10-310-4 & 10-510-6 & 10-710-8 & 10-910-10

Math Flash Cards for Multiplication
Be sure to check out our complete set of times tables lessons and online practice for multiplication

Zeros Times Tables:
0x0 & 0x10x2 & 0x30x4 & 0x50x6 & 0x70x8 & 0x90x10 & 0x11
0x12 & 1x01x0 & 2x03x0 & 4x05x0 & 6x07x0 & 8x09x0 & 10x0
11x0 & 12x0
Ones Times Tables:
1x1 & 1x21x3 & 1x41x5 & 1x61x7 & 1x81x9 & 1x101x11 & 1x12
Twos Times Tables:
2x1 & 2x22x3 & 2x42x5 & 2x62x7 & 2x82x9 & 2x102x11 & 2x12
Threes Times Tables:
3x1 & 3x23x3 & 3x43x5 & 3x63x7 & 3x83x9 & 3x103x11 & 3x12
Fours Times Tables:
4x1 & 4x24x3 & 4x44x5 & 4x64x7 & 4x84x9 & 4x104x11 & 4x12
Fives Times Tables:
5x1 & 5x25x3 & 5x45x5 & 5x65x7 & 5x85x9 & 5x105x11 & 5x12
Sixes Times Tables:
6x1 & 6x26x3 & 6x46x5 & 6x66x7 & 6x86x9 & 6x106x11 & 6x12
Sevens Times Tables:
7x1 & 7x27x3 & 7x47x5 & 7x67x7 & 7x87x9 & 7x107x11 & 7x12
Eights Times Tables:
8x1 & 8x28x3 & 8x48x5 & 8x68x7 & 8x88x9 & 8x108x11 & 8x12
Nines Times Tables:
9x1 & 9x29x3 & 9x49x5 & 9x69x7 & 9x89x9 & 9x109x11 & 9x12
Tens Times Tables:
10x1 & 10x210x3 & 10x410x5 & 10x610x7 & 10x810x9 & 10x1010x11 & 10x12
Elevens Times Tables:
11x1 & 11x211x3 & 11x411x5 & 11x611x7 & 11x811x9 & 11x1011x11 & 11x12
Twelves Times Tables:
12x1 & 12x212x3 & 12x412x5 & 12x612x7 & 12x812x9 & 12x1012x11 & 12x12

Math Flash Cards for Division
Be sure to check out our complete set of times tables lessons and online practice for division

Ones Times Tables with Division:
1/1 & 2/13/1 & 4/15/1 & 6/17/1 & 8/19/1 & 10/111/1 & 12/1
Twos Times Tables with Division:
2/2 & 4/26/2 & 8/210/2 & 12/214/2 & 16/218/2 & 20/222/2 & 24/2
Threes Times Tables with Division:
3/3 & 6/39/3 & 12/315/3 & 18/321/3 & 24/327/3 & 30/333/3 & 36/3
Fours Times Tables with Division:
4/4 & 8/412/4 & 16/420/4 & 24/428/4 & 32/436/4 & 40/444/4 & 48/4
Fives Times Tables with Division:
5/5 & 10/515/5 & 20/525/5 & 30/535/5 & 40/545/5 & 50/555/5 & 60/5
Sixes Times Tables with Division:
6/6 & 12/618/6 & 24/630/6 & 36/642/6 & 48/654/6 & 60/666/6 & 72/6
Sevens Times Tables with Division:
7/7 & 14/721/7 & 28/735/7 & 42/749/7 & 56/763/7 & 70/777/7 & 84/7
Eights Times Tables with Division:
8/8 & 16/824/8 & 32/840/8 & 48/856/8 & 64/872/8 & 80/888/8 & 96/8
Nines Times Tables with Division:
9/9 & 18/927/9 & 36/945/9 & 54/963/9 & 72/981/9 & 90/999/9 & 108/9
Tens Times Tables with Division:
10/10 & 20/1030/10 & 40/1050/10 & 60/1070/10 & 80/1090/10 & 100/10110/10 & 120/10
Elevens Times Tables with Division:
11/11 & 22/1133/11 & 44/1155/11 & 66/1177/11 & 88/1199/11 & 110/11121/11 & 132/11
Twelves Times Tables with Division:
12/12 & 24/1236/12 & 48/1260/12 & 72/1284/12 & 96/12108/12 & 120/12132/12 & 144/12

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